취지 및 행사일정 Objectives & Schedules

 You are cordially invited to
a parallel event of the UN Commission on the Status of Women

“UNSCR 1325 and Peace for Sustainable Development”


Time: 12:30 ? 3:00 PM on Thursday, 24 February 2011  

* Networking Reception: 12:30 ? 1:00 PM (a light lunch will be served)

* Panel Discussion and Q&A: 1:00 ? 3:00 PM

Place: 2nd Fl. Conference Room @ Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the UN

[335 East 45th street between First and Second Avenue, New York]

RSVP: by 23 February to Narae Lee (212)687-7214 or



Sponsored by
Office of Rep. Young-Hee Choi, Chair of the Gender Equality and Family Committee of
the National Assembly of Republic of Korea

*Ms. Linda Yarr, Director of the Partnerships for International Strategies in Asia (PISA) of
The George Washington University

Opening Remarks
*Ms. Cora Weiss, President of
The Hague Appeal for Peace/ Director of Peace Boat US

Distinguished Speakers
* Rep. Ms. Young-Hee Choi, Member of the National Assembly of Republic of Korea
* Ms. Susan Braden, Senior Policy Advisor of the Office of Global Women Issues of
the US Department of State
* H.E. Mr. Herman Schaper, Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the UN
* Ms. Mavic Cabrera-Balleza, International Coordinator of 
the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP)
* Ms. Hyunback Chung, Co-Chair of
The Organizing Committee of the Northeast Asian Women’s Peace Conference (NEAWPC)


Co-Hosted by
The Organizing Committee of the Northeast Asian Women’s Peace Conference (NEAWPC)
Partnerships for International Strategies in Asia (PISA) of the George Washington University
Peace Boat US

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
20 The 2012 Northeast Asia Women’s Peace Conference [203] 평화여성회 2012.03.14 12566
19 2012년 동북아여성평화회의 (3/13)가 열립니다!!" [116] file 평화여성회 2012.02.29 16177
18 “2012 서울 핵안보정상회의와 한국여성의 제안” -2012 동북아여성평화회의 준비 4차 워크숍 [1] 평화여성회 2011.12.29 6223
17 2012 서울 핵안보정상회의와 여성 (2012 동북아여성평화회의 준비 3차 워크숍) [12] file 평화여성회 2011.11.18 9128
16 <2012 동북아여성평화회의 준비 워크숍> 후쿠시마 핵발전소 경험과 여성 [5] file 평화여성회 2011.10.18 7466
15 2012 동북아여성평화회의 준비 [6] 평화여성회 2011.10.17 5868
14 What is the Northeast Asian Women's Peace Conference [13] 평화여성회 2011.03.08 11000
13 유엔여성지위위윈회 병행 국제워크숍(뉴욕) [2] 평화여성회 2011.02.18 5518
» CSW Parallel Event “UNSCR 1325 and Peace for Sustainable Development” [3] 평화여성회 2011.02.18 6337
11 Taking the Women's Road to Peace on the Korean Peninsula: A Report on the Northeast Asia Women's Peace Conference [2] 평화여성회 2010.11.09 7585
10 Background, Goals and Programs of 2010 Northeast Asain Women's Peace Conference [152] 평화여성회 2010.11.09 12075
9 <2010 동북아여성평화회의> 개요, 경과, 목표, 프로그램 [2] 평화여성회 2010.09.29 11265
8 공개심포지엄 프로그램 [3] file 평화여성회 2010.09.17 8436
7 미국 의회 및 국무부 방문 일지 [1] 평화여성회 2010.06.26 8341
6 Northeast Asian Women for Peace Networking Event [1127] file 평화여성회 2010.06.24 37531
5 2009 Northeast Asian Women's Peace Conference program [8] 평화여성회 2010.06.07 12935
4 2009 동북아여성평화회의 행사일정 [6] 평화여성회 2010.06.07 8260
3 행사 프로그램 9월1일~3일 평화여성회 2010.05.28 8184
2 2008 동북아여성평화회의-여성6자회의 추진위원회 발족취지문 [3] 평화여성회 2010.05.06 11858
1 2007년 여성6자회담 설명서 및 일정 [3] file 평화여성회 2010.05.06 11582