취지 및 행사일정 Objectives & Schedules



          2009 Northeast Asian Women's Peace Conference

 "Negotiating Regional Peace, Reconciliation and Cooperaton"


When : October 6th~8th, 2009

Where : The George Washington University, Washington D.C.

Hosted by : Organizing Committee of Northeast Asian Women's Peace Conference , Sigur Center for Asian Studies at the George Washington University

Sponsered by : Samsung, Community Chest of the Korea, Korea Foundation for Women, Won-Buddhism of Washington D.C.







Oct. 5 (Mon)




Welcoming Dinner

(hosted by Washington Coalition for Comfort Women's Issues, National Association of Korean Americans,

Bongha Washington )


Oct. 6 (Tue)




Opening Remarks : Shawn McHale

Director, Sigur Center for Asian Studies

Welcoming Remarks : Sunjong Lee

Co-chairperson, 2009 Northeast Women’s Peace Conference

President, Seoul Parish of Won-Buddhism



Session I : Keynote Speech


"Peace in Northeast Asia: the Dream of All Women"

Speaker : Myungsook Han,

Former Prime Minister of Republic of Korea


"Peace and Stability in Korea and Northeast Asia and the Role of the International community"

Speaker : Hazel Smith,

Professor, Cranfield University, UK


Questions & Answers


* Moderator : Cora Weiss,

  President, Hague Appeal for Peace

The State Room

(7th Floor)





(12:00-12:45 : Press Conference)



Session II Country Reports on Building Peace in Northeast Asia


Japan : Kozue Akibayashi, International Vice President of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and Associate Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University


Russia : Lebedeva Nina Boresovna, Member of the Women's Union of Russia, Leading Scholar at the Institute of Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


United States : Karen Jacob, Chair, Women's Action for New Directions


South Korea : Jeong Sook Hahn, Board Member, Women Making Peace and Professor, Department of Western History, Seoul National University


(China : Sun Jisheng, Dean of the Department of English and International Studies, China Foreign Affairs University)


* Moderator : Patricia Morris,

  Executive Director, Peace x Peace

The State Room

(7th Floor)



Closing Session


Ambassador Melanne S. Verveer,

U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues

"Women's Role in Peace Making"




※ This is a joint session with the Elliott School's Distinguished Women in International Affairs Series.

City View Room

(7th Floor)


Oct. 7 (Wed)

Closed Meeting



Strategic Meeting I







Congressional Visit

(co-organized by AFSC and WAND)

US Congress


Reception / Networking meeting

(hosted by Peace X Peace)

 Peace X Peace

Oct. 8 (Thur)

Closed Meeting



Meetings with the US State Department officials




 AFSC office


Strategic Meeting II



Farewell Dinner


번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
20 The 2012 Northeast Asia Women’s Peace Conference [203] 평화여성회 2012.03.14 12575
19 2012년 동북아여성평화회의 (3/13)가 열립니다!!" [116] file 평화여성회 2012.02.29 16187
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